What are the worst criteria for choosing a bookmaker?
You can find a lot of materials on the network about how best to choose the most suitable bookmaker for yourself. However, they often go unnoticed, because they contain basic tips that users may already consider obvious. Although evidence rarely gives the effect that a person follows these rules. Often, he is still guided by some completely different criteria, which in the end can lead him to a standstill. In this article we will talk about what exactly should not be followed when choosing a betting company. This information can be even more useful, because it will help you understand what to avoid and what you can really look at more closely.

Bookmaker selection criteria
- Do not believe search results. If necessary, we are all used to finding some information or a source immediately going to the search engine and doing a search query. This may be the best option in most cases, but obviously you should not say that you can find a good bookmaker. It’s quite difficult to get to the very top of search results, so only companies that are willing to allocate huge amounts of money for promotion always get there. Search engine optimization is not the cheapest pleasure, so not every bookmaker can afford to compete in such a complex niche. Hence, many can conclude that if a company has money for such serious investments, then of course it is popular and can afford it. If it is popular, then it has a large number of users, which gives you the right to trust it. But do not be so gullible. The fact is that companies that focus on search engine optimization rarely can ignore the need to monitor the comfort of their users. They always have a stream of new customers, so if a few old ones leave, then this will not cause problems in any way. This is the factor that should make you avoid such companies. It is better to initially check user reviews and only then draw a conclusion about the reliability of the site.
- Transition through bright advertising. We can often see aggressive advertising of bookmakers, which haunts us almost everywhere. Does this mean that the company really deserves attention? More often than not. Investing in advertising and investing in the comfort of your users are two completely different things. In fact, the same rule applies here as in the previous paragraph, because companies can be more focused on finding new customers than on the comfort of existing ones. This is even not to mention the fact that aggressive sites can often be used by sites that initially work as scammers and set themselves the only goal – to force the user to go to their site and make their real money there. Next few people like the scheme, because when it comes to withdrawing money, most users will wait for an unpleasant surprise.
- Attractive bonuses. Many bookmakers offer their new users attractive bonuses. Actually online betting will be much more pleasant with them, because if you can bet on the money of a bookmaker, then it’s a sin not to use it. Nevertheless, scammers also often work according to this scheme, who require to start replenishing the balance on their site with your real money, after which bonus funds of several thousand dollars will become available. The more attractive the bonus, the greater the risk that you may run into trouble. It is better to look for those bookmakers that can offer you the best options for bonuses. This will help exclude scammers.

If you can avoid these criteria and will base your choice of a betting shop on other principles, then you will have the opportunity to find a high-quality company with which it is customary to deal.